
Darbo turas Ltd.

Address: Bažnyčių str. 10, II floor, Taurage, 72253 Lithuania

Phone: +370 688 53533


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About us

Working together with our partners internationally, we ensure a direct and continuous dialogue between employers and potential candidates.
  • Our company
    We are an international recruitment agency that helps businesses find professional workforce across Europe and the CIS countries.
  • Our vision
    We aim to become one of the most competitive recruitment companies in Europe. We seek to build and maintain strong long-term relationships with customers as a result of providing high-quality service, flexibility and adaptiveness. We strive for growth in terms of both our own and our customers business.
  • Our mission
    Our mission is to contribute to the success and business growth of our customers through meeting their workforce challenges. In parallel, we find jobs for professionals that meet their experience and qualifications, thusensure a competitive remuneration package in return. We matchqualified professionals with suitable companies in Europe by way of thorough procedures of recruitment, selection as well as conducting interviews and negotiations.